Expand your practice.
Save big with
2022 tax deductions.

Purchase your FUJIFILM Sonosite
point-of-care ultrasound system
before December 31, 2022.

Lower cost of equipment with Section 179 tax deduction.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of capital equipment for the calendar year it was first used. Therefore, now may be the perfect time to purchase a point-of-care ultrasound system.

Get your FUJIFILM Sonosite system before year’s end and save when you deduct the expense on your 2022 taxes.
Equipment must be purchased and in use before December 31, 2022. The maximum capital equipment purchase deduction cannot exceed $1,080,000.

This information does not constitute tax advice. Consult with your tax advisor to determine how to use equipment financing to take advantage of expensing tax savings or visit www.irs.gov for additional information.
Increase patient satisfaction and revenue with ultrasound.1

Potential benefits to your practice:
  • Tax break on initial system purchase
  • Reimbursements for ultrasound use
  • Increase workflow efficiency and patient throughput
Potential benefits to your patients:
  • Faster time to diagnosis
  • Services provided at your office, increased convenience
  • Higher satisfaction rates

Request a custom quote.

FUJIFILM Sonosite has the right system to meet the needs of your practice and we’re ready to help you purchase your ultrasound solution in time for the tax deduction deadline.
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